Self-love is one of the first things I started learning when I walked through the doors of my very first AA meeting (it was March 30, 2012!). I grew up being told I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, yada yada yada. Hating myself, having no confidence, and low self-esteem resulted in a pretty messed up life – as if the mention of AA didn’t clue you in to that 😉

Anyways, one of the first things I was told at that meeting was “we will love you until you can love yourself.” It’s been a long journey and one I’ll never regret or wish to shut the door on because I’m such a different woman than I was when I walked through those doors six years ago! I still have days where I don’t like myself and all too often I still tend to put self-love and self-care on the back burner…but I’m a work in progress and always trying to get better at taking care of ME.

And that’s why I loved Ash Ambirge’s 24 Ways to Love Yourself Fiercely + Bravely—Even When You’re Feeling Like a Heaping Hot Mess post and highly recommend you take a couple minutes to go read it.

Note: if you’re not familiar with her, be warned – she likes the F word 😉




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  1. We all know how not loving yourself can turn you into a wreck – talking from experience here too. I’m so proud of you for taking those first steps to change. CHANGE IS HARD but when we put in the work then look back where we came from it’s truly amazing. This is a great share and all of these points are awesome! I especially like 4, 6, 16, 23 and believe that 24 is the most important. <3

    1. Thanks for commenting Sam! It definitely can turn into a wreck if we don’t love ourselves! Change is really hard that’s for sure.

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