I’m going to lose weight.
I’m going to workout 5 days a week.
I’m going to eat nutritious food.
I’m giving up Diet Coke
I will only eat “bad” once a month.
I’m going to blog 5 days a week.
I’m going to email my list a few times a week.

Yada yada yada. Blah blah blah.

Those were a list of New Year’s Resolutions I made… more than once! And guess what? Yep, I never stuck with them longer than January, maybe February. Needless to say resolutions never ended well for me. And I’m not alone in that, most people don’t stick with them.

That’s why I loved it when I was introduced to picking a theme or word for the year instead. And this year is no different, I’ll reveal my theme/word soon 🙂

But I often get so caught up on focusing on the New Year that I forget to look back on the past year. I came across a post from Marie Forleo and something she said caught my attention:

While a lot of people want to speed ahead to focus on a fresh New Year goal, don’t underestimate the power of learning from the past. There’s a lot of unleveraged wisdom to be mined from the past twelve months, if you know how to find it.

It’s so true! I downloaded the PDF file she provided and spent about 15-20 minutes going through three year in review questions she posed. Loved it and wanted to share!

I highly encourage you to go read 3 Powerful Year In Review Questions That Will Set You Up For A Great Year Ahead right now…before you set yet another dreaded New Year’s Resolution 😉


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  1. I’ve been so focused on planning dor the future I haven’t reviewed my past, but I think I will.

    So what is your theme word for 2019? Were you going to reveal it in a different blog post?


    1. Hey there April! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I’m working on a blog post that reveals my theme for 2019 🙂 I really liked the worksheet in Marie’s post – I downloaded it and filled it in; nice to review this past year when I so often dont’!

  2. Excellent post, Tishia! I’ve been participating in a goal setting and achieving program since 2005 and review my goals and actions regularly. I believe the idea for resolutions at the new year came about as a party game during the 1930s. Thanks for sharing Marie’s resources with us.
    Connie Ragen Green

    1. Hi there Connie! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Love that you’ve been participating in a goal setting/achieving program since 2005 – that’s awesome!

  3. Thank you for sharing this Tishia! This is absolutely what I need as I review my year. I have had some major ups and downs this year and these three questions will help me focus in on how the year went. I am also looking forward to your word for next year!

    1. Hi Danielle! Thanks for stopping by 🙂 It’s so simple, just a couple questions, but so powerful! I’ll be saving these questions for future year end review too 🙂

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